Just wanted to share couple of 1 liners related to Snapshots listing and deletion List all the Snapshots————————————– Get-VM | Get-Snapshot Delete all the Snapshots—————————————— $snapshot = Get-VM | Get-SnapshotRemove-Snapshot -Snapshot $snapshot -RemoveChildren -Confirm:$False
VM Creation Script
Yesterday I wrote an article about Customization Specification Manager.Post writing I thought why not try create VM using Power CLII have manage to put together script which creates VM Specifying following values 1. Template2. Customization Specification3. ESXi Host4. Resource Pool5. Datastore6. Folder7. Port Group Please feel free give your comments …
Customization Specifications Manager
When you clone or deploy a VM from a template, you can customize the guest operating system of the VM to modify properties such as the computer name, network settings, and license settings. Benefit Customizing guest operating systems can help prevent conflicts that can result if virtual machines with identical…
ESXi Host Migration Script
As a requirement for one of my Project I had to write a Script which allows migration of ESXi Host between vCentersI have managed to write script does following Functions. Connect to vCenter server Enter Host in Maintenance Mode Disconnect Host from vCenter Server Disconnect from vCenter Server Connect to…
FREE – VMware Compliance Checker Tools for vSphere
VMware Compliance Checker for vSphere is a free, downloadable product for checking compliance of vSphere environment to help you ensure that it remains secure and compliant. It provides detailed compliance checks against the VMware vSphere Hardening Guidelines. For example, you can print the reports that Compliance Checker produces, and can…
Latest fling from VMware Labs – VMware ThinApp Factory
VMware Labs presents its latest fling ThinApp Factory . The ThinApp Factory is a virtual appliance that brings centralized administration and automation to the process of creating virtualized Windows applications with VMware ThinApp technology. ThinApp Factory utilizes vSphere API\’s to spawn workloads which automatically convert fileshares of application installers into…
Cisco UCS Power Tool
UCS PowerTool helps to integrate, automate, and orchestrate all aspects of UCS management including network, storage and hypervisor management with their existing IT management processes.UCS PowerTool is a flexible and powerful command line toolkit that includes more than 100 PowerShell cmdlets providing an efficient, cost effective and easy to use…