Windows 2008 R2 Failover Cluster Installation & Configuration


  1. 2 VMs with Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise
  2. 2 NICs on each VMs (1 for Public and 1 for Private)
  3. 4 IP Address for Public Range
  4. 2 IP Address for Private Range
  5. 2 Shared Disks (1 for Failover Cluster Quorum Disk and 1 for SQL Cluster Data Disk)
    • I used pRDMs for the Shared Disks however there are other options as well 


Step 1 ) Open Server Manager à Features
Step 2) Select Failover Clustering to install the Failover Clustering Feature
Step3 ) The first step in creating a successful failover clustering, is by validating the existing systems and shared storage. This is done by the option Validate a Configuration
Here we need to select the 2 Servers which are going to be part of the Cluster
Step 4) Create Cluster
We are creating Failover Cluster for SQL so I named it appropriately

What to Follow ?

  • SQL 2008 R2 Failover Cluster Installation
  • Add Node to SQL Failover Cluster

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