SRM IP Customization Error

I came across the below mentioned issue for which I am working towards to resolve.
We are still having discussions whether we should be performing the work around  given
I thought of sharing and check whether we have other users who also have similar issues and get any feedback from the community


 VMware vCenter 5.1 Update 2
ESXi 5.1 Update 2
SRM 5.1 Update 2


At the time of Test Failover VMs have faced an error “Error – Internal error: std::exception \’class Dr::Vix::SharedSecretNotPermitted\’ \”Shared Secret is not permitted on this guest\”.” with IP Customization


We were asked to modify following setting on all the VMs and it requires VM to be Powered Off and the value needs to be set to either 1 or true.


 All VIX clients, including SRM, need to have this parameter enabled so the client can do things inside the VM\’s OS like copying files over to that VM. For example, SRM generates the IP customization script on the fly and copies it together with the three other IP customization tools over to the VM. To do that SRM must open a VIX connection to the VM first (using the \”SharedScretLogin\” mechanism. That is, in a nutshell, how it works.
The error message we are getting indicates that SRM\’s VIX connection to the VM will not go through because \”SharedScretyLogin\” is not enabled for that VM somehow. SRM normally sets this parameter when it opens VIX connection to the VM for the purpose of IP customization. So that means that SRM, for some unknown reason, is not able to enable to set that flag on the fly. The suggestion to add that parameter manually into the VM config file is to do it on behalf of SRM. Then see if SRM is able to open the VIX connection and continue with the IP customization process on that VM.

2 thoughts on “SRM IP Customization Error

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