VCSA 6.0 Installation

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog as I was busy relocating for a Project Change. Now with I am settle at new place time to write blog series
I will be writing blog series to Setup Lab to play around with VMware NSX  and starting point for that is definitely with vCenter. Following post is for VCSA 6.0 Installation

Install Client Integration Plugin

VCSA Setup

Specify the Server Details. This could be either Standalone ESXi or vCenter ( Cases were we have Management vCenter separate)
Specify the Appliance Name and the root credentials for the appliances
As I am deploying it for lab I have chosen Embedded Platform Service Controller.
If its new Setup then you have to choose Create new SSO domain else you can join to existing SSO
Depending on the size of your environment you need to choose appliance size. For My Lab Small is enough (100 hosts & 1000 VMs)
Specify the Database. For My Lab I have chosen embedded database (PostgreSQL)
You can check console of the appliance to see the progress
Time taken will vary. For me it took 10-15 mins to finish the installation
Next blog would be Virtualized ESXi Server Installation which will be used in the lab

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