VCSA 6.5 CLI Installation

You can use the CLI installer to perform a silent deployment of a vCenter Server Appliance or Platform Services Controller appliance on an ESXi host or vCenter Server instance.

Reference Documentation

Before we being we need to ensure we do following
  1. Download and Mount the vCenter Server Appliance Installer
  2. Prepare Your JSON Configuration File for CLI Deployment

Prepare JSON File

Browse to the template directory and choose your appropriate json file. I  will be deploying embedded VCSA on VC in my lab. Update the file with your environment specific details. Following is my JSON file


Mount the ISO as CD-ROM and Browse the vcsa-deploy.exe setup file
Run the deployment command
vcsa-deploy install –accept-eula –acknowledge-ceip optional_arguments path_to_the_json_file
You might get warnings for the certificate thumb print  which you need to Accept
You could provide additional argument so that you don’t have this warning. I wanted to demonstrate hence I ran with minimal arguments
Once you Accept and Continue it will deploy the VCSA Appliance
Once it is deployed it will Power ON the VM and start installing & configuring services
It should take about 20-25 mins to finish the setup post which you should be able to access it via web client
You should be able to access vCenter it via Web Client.

Caution – As of vSphere 6.5 Windows Client is not Supported

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