Kubernetes Installation & Configuration on VMware Photon OS

What is Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing container-centric infrastructure.
With Kubernetes, you are able to:
  • Deploy your applications quickly and predictably.
  • Scale your applications on the fly.
  • Seamlessly roll out new features.
  • Optimize use of your hardware by using only the resources you need.

For more information Click Here


  • 2/3 VMware PhotonOS VM with docker enabled and configured as per my earlier post – Click Here
  • For Lab setup please allow everything in firewall using following commands

iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT

  • Internet Connection on all 3 VMs

My Environment Setup

I have 3 VMs
  • 1 – Photon Master (hostname – photon-os)
  • 2 – Worker or Minion Nodes (hostname(s) – photon-node, photon-node01)

Installation of Kubernetes

Execute following command on all 3 nodes. You can also use –y switch to accept by default
tdnf install kubernetes

Size of the package is about 500MB so it will take time depending upon Internet Speed. I haven’t tried offline method


Modify /etc/hosts  on all hosts

Add master and node to /etc/hosts on all machines (not needed if the hostnames are already in DNS). Make sure that communication works between photon-master and photon-node by using a utility such as ping

Modify Kubernetes Config on all hosts

Edit /etc/kubernetes/config on all machines as per following

Configure Kubernetes on Master

Edit /etc/kubernetes/apiserver as per following

Start Kubernetes Services on Master

I will be enabling following services on master as I want Master to be worker/minion node as well
  • etcd
  • kube-apiserver
  • kube-controller-manager
  • kube-scheduler
  • kube-proxy
  • kubelet

If you don’t require master to be worker/minion node then don’t include following 2 service
  • kube-proxy
  • kubelet

for SERVICES in etcd kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kube-proxy kubelet; do
    systemctl restart $SERVICES
    systemctl enable $SERVICES
    systemctl status $SERVICES
In case you run into issues with kube-apiserver you will need to reboot the VM

Create node.json for worker/minion nodes

Create Node objects

Make a node object internally in your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command

Verify Node objects

Status will show Unknown and its normal behavior as we have not done any configuration on worker/minion node

Configure Kubernetes  on Worker/Minion Node

Modify Kubelet Config

Edit /etc/kubernetes/kubelet as per following

Enable and Start Services

Verify Nodes on Master

Verify Kubernetes Setup on Master

In the next blog post I will be configuring Kubernetes Dashboard on PhotonOS

0 thoughts on “Kubernetes Installation & Configuration on VMware Photon OS

  1. when i run kubectl create -f /node.json i get The connection to the server dockerhost:8080 was refused – did you specify the right host or port?any help ??

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  3. yeah, the same problem, kube-apiserver is getting failed. It's weird that there is no any proper documentation, blog or anything like that to install kubernetes on photon os. All I can find outdated/discontinued installation methods. The installation is not defined clearly even in Photon OS documentation.

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