vRealize Operations Manager 6.6 Installation & Configuration

VMware released vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) 6.6. Release Notes can referred What\’s New in the release
Deployment is pretty simple and divided 2 steps, In this blog post I will be deploying the vROps
  • Installation – OVA deployment
  • Configuration – Initial Cluster Configuration


Right Click on the Cluster/Host where you want to deploy and select Deploy OVF Template
This is where you can specify what size you want in your environment. I am choosing small (default) for my lab setup
Once the ovf deployment is completed you will need to Power ON the VM


Once the VM boots up completely you will need to navigate to the IP of the VM
Once you browse the IP it will automatically land up to the Initial Setup Wizard. In this post I will do the New Installation
Click New Installation
Once it finishes the initial config, you will need to start the cluster
You will need to specify the vCenter details. You will need to add credentials for the vCenter
Default Home Page
In the next post I will be going through out of box dashboard and reports to give you the feel of the new release

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