Configure Synthetic Monitoring using vROPs Cloud


In the July release of vROPs Cloud added support for Synthetic Monitoring

I have seen so many colleagues working on it. This blog is dedicated to all of them. Here it is for the project Hawkeye and to my extended Observability Team. 

In this blog, I will share details about Synthetic Monitoring in general and  how to configure it in vROps Cloud

What is Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic Monitoring is a monitoring technique that is done by using a simulation or scripted recordings of transactions. Behavioral scripts (or paths) are created to simulate an action or path that a customer or end-user would take on a site, application, or other software (or even hardware). It provides the following benefits

  • Proactive Availability Monitoring
  • Reliability
  • Measuring SLA
  • API Monitoring

What does vROPs Synthetic Monitoring allow?

It allows following

  • Monitoring of common user paths in your business applications through simulated API calls.
  • Track business application availability and performance.
  • Automated anomaly detection of application response time using machine learning.
  • Support for OAuth and Bearer Token.
  • Correlate business application metrics with infrastructure activities.

How do you configure Synthetic Monitoring?

From the left menu, click Environment > Business Application. On the Business Application page, click Add Business Application


Click the 3 dots next to a Business Application name to configure, enable, or disable Synthetic Monitoring





Click Add API

Provide a publicly reachable URL/ API you would like to monitor, for e.g. In my example I am going to monitor my blog’s home page (

You can optionally choose to test it before you Save the APIs


 Once you save you will need to enable Synthetic Monitoring. By default it is disabled





In my example, I have not used any authentication as I am validating the home page but if you want specific URIs which require authentication then you can select one of the supported authentications

  • Basic Authentication
  • Bearer Token
  • OAuth Authentication

Couple of things to note

API/URL should be publicly reachable

20 Business Applications with Synthetic Monitoring enabled

10 APIs for monitoring each business application

For more details, you can refer to the documentation 

Once the Synthetic Monitoring is enabled then you can navigate to Synthetic Monitoring Tab to view the performance of the application

Click on 3 dots and navigate to “Go to Details”








For each API call, you can view the following details

  • Total Response Time
  • DNS Lookup
  • TCP Connection
  • TLS Handshake
  • Server Processing
  • Content Transfer

You can define alerts using the metrics or properties which are pushed by Synthetic Monitoring 


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