Attach Kind Cluster on Mac to VMware Tanzu Platform 10


Attach Kind Cluster on Mac to VMware Tanzu Platform 10

Procedure to Attach Kind Cluster to VMware Tanzu Platform 10

We will be executing the following steps to attach the kind cluster

STEP 1: Download the config file for kind cluster

Download the config file kind-tpsm.yaml to create a kind cluster

STEP 2: Create Kind Cluster using the config file

Update the variables in the script, as identified in Step1, and save it locally

kind create cluster –config kind-tpsm.yaml

STEP 3: Generate kubectl command to attach the K8s cluster

  1. In the Tanzu Platform UI header, use the project selector to select the project in which you want to add a cluster.
  2. Go to Infrastructure > Kubernetes Clusters
  3. Click Add Kubernetes Cluster.
  4. Click Add self-managed cluster and Next
  5. Enter a unique Name that you can use to identify the cluster in Tanzu Platform.
  6. Select if you want the cluster to be used for Spaces or not.
  7. Select the Cluster Group for the cluster.
  8. Optionally add labels to your cluster.
  9. Copy and paste the kubectl command

STEP 4: Download the attach file

Replace the the attach URL copied in Step 3 & Execute the Script

curl -k “https://<platformURL>/k8s/ops/installer?id=2b97f069820c1d440a0dec6822f0c37cda0861d63a808b6a1bae6ed422fe1955&source=attach” > mm-kind-attach.yaml

STEP 5: Apply attach yaml

Apply attach yaml

kubectl apply -f mm-kind-attach.yaml

STEP 6: Verify the cluster in the UI

Verify the cluster status in the UI after a few minutes


VMware Tanzu Platform 10 Installation Guide


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