vSphere Data Protection (VDP) Installation & Configuration
Configuration Https:// Ensure you test the connection before proceeding You can store the additional VMDKs on same datastores as appliance or you can choose the datastores Once rebooted. It will have 3 VMDKs added to the Appliance. Observation. It took approx. 30 minutes for it to reboot and configure storage…
View Connection Servers Installation
We will be installing 2 Servers for High Availability and load balancing First Server For the first server we need to select View Standard Server For the second server we will select View Replica Server Providate data recovery password Add local administrator group as initial view administrator as Best Practice…
vCenter 5.5 Installation
Observations If the vCenter VM is joined to Domain it automatically adds Identity Source for SSO No Database required for SSO SSO can be installed for Multi Sites SSO Account Name has been renamed to administrator@vsphere.local By Default only administrator@vsphere.local has access to vCenter. They have removed local administrator vCenter…
ESXi Upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5
ESXi Upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5
Multi Site SRM Configuration Procedure
Some time ago I had blogged procedure for Multi Site SRM Configuration Here is the procedure with Screenshot which will give better idea Procedure Installing SRM Servers at Production site: SRM1: · Install the SRM executable from command prompt /V\”CUSTOM_SETUP=1\” · When it ask ’s to enter vCenter Server Address and Credentials,…
VMWare SRM 5.X Observation
Setup VMware vCenter 5.1 ESXi 5.1 GA build (799733) SRM 5.1 Issue/Observation Replicated Datastore had an additional vmdk for a Virtual Machine which was on non-replicated datastore. It didn’t display in Protection Group (obviously as it didn’t find vmx file )and also SRM didn’t throw up any Error of any…