Munishpal's Blog

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Operations Differences for various VMware Products and Components

Operations Differences for various VMware Products and Components Feature 5.5 5.1 5 4.1 4 HA Agent FDM FDM FDM AAM AAM HA Algorithm Master Slave Master Slave Master  Slave Primary  Secondary Primary  Secondary HA Failure Detection Management Network Storage Communication Management Network Storage Communication Management Network Storage Communication Management Network…Continue readingOperations Differences for various VMware Products and Components


Configuration Maximums for various VMware Products and Components

Configuration Maximums for various VMware Products and Components   Component 5.5 5.1 5 4.1 4 Virtual CPUs per virtual machine (Virtual SMP) 64 64 32 8 8 RAM per virtual machine 1TB 1TB 1TB 255GB 255GB Virtual disk size 62TB 2TB 2TB 2TB 2TB Virtual Disks per virtual machine 60…Continue readingConfiguration Maximums for various VMware Products and Components


A General System Error occurred. Communication with the virtual machine might have been interrupted

Setup VMware vCenter 5.1 ESXi 5.1 GA build (799733) SRM 5.0  Issue At the time of Test Failover VM unable to Power ON and threw up error A general system error occurred. The system returned an error. Communication with the virtual machine might have been interrupted. Post Analysis we found…Continue readingA General System Error occurred. Communication with the virtual machine might have been interrupted


Shared Recovery Site in VMware Site Recovery Manager

VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) is a disaster recovery product which uses array replication technologies to failover from one site to another. Shared Recovery Site (also called N-to-1) is a new feature of SRM 4.x and 5.0. This feature allows the management of multiple SRM environments by a single…Continue readingShared Recovery Site in VMware Site Recovery Manager


Unable to Extend C Drive for Thin Provisioned Disk

Setup VMware vCenter 5.1 ESXi 5.1  Discoveries When the VMDK is created as Think provisioned disk it doesn’t allow to extend the size of vmdk in VM Edit Settings and it displays greyed out Additionally if you have taken snapshot of the Thin provisioned disk. The option will be greyed…Continue readingUnable to Extend C Drive for Thin Provisioned Disk


Application View for vCenter Site Recovery Manager

Application View for vCenter Site Recovery Manager shows the application dependencies between virtual machines in a disaster recovery site. This tool is packaged as a standalone virtual appliance, which can be easily set up in an environment which runs vCenter, vCenter Site Recovery Manager, and vCenter Infrastructure Navigator. vCenter Site…Continue readingApplication View for vCenter Site Recovery Manager


vCenter Infrastructure Navigator

Pre-requisites  Ensure the vCenter  Manged IP Address is configured so that the vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance can access the vCenter Server If you deploy the vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance on the vCenter Server, the virtual appliance is deployed without a license key. Installation & Configuration Deploy Virtual Appliance…Continue readingvCenter Infrastructure Navigator