Munishpal's Blog

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vRA Cloud Onboarding for vSphere using PowervRACloud

Use Case  Onboarding vSphere Cloud Account in vRA Cloud Environment / Org What Tasks does it perform  It performs the following configuration 1. Validate vCenter Details & Adds Cloud Account2. Create New vRA Project3. Create New vRA Flavor Profile4. Create New vRA Image Profile5. Create New vRA Network Profile6. Create…Continue readingvRA Cloud Onboarding for vSphere using PowervRACloud


vRA Cloud Deployments Report using PowervRACloud

Use Case  Generate an HTML Report for Deployments in vRA Cloud Environment / Org. It displays the following details Deployment Summary – Number of deployments per Project Deployments Details – List all deployments per Project and list details such as projectid , name, id, createdBy, createdAt, Status Deployment Resources – For…Continue readingvRA Cloud Deployments Report using PowervRACloud


My First Fling – PowervRACloud

Purpose PowervRACloud is a PowerShell module that abstracts the VMware vRealize Automation Cloud APIs to a set of easily used PowerShell functions. This tool provides a comprehensive command-line environment for managing your VMware vRealize Automation Cloud environment This module is not supported by VMware and comes with no warranties expressed…Continue readingMy First Fling – PowervRACloud


Use Cloud Assembly Blueprint to deploy Kubernetes Cluster on vSphere

In this blog post I will be demonstrating how to create a Cloud Agnostic Blueprint in VMware Cloud Assembly to deploy a Kubernetes Cluster to vSphere environment. VMware Cloud Assembly Service Overview VMware Cloud Assembly orchestrates and expedites infrastructure and application delivery in line with DevOps principles. It uniquely provides…Continue readingUse Cloud Assembly Blueprint to deploy Kubernetes Cluster on vSphere


Use Cloud Assembly Blueprint to deploy Ansible Control Machine

In this blog post I will be demonstrating how to create a Cloud Agnostic Blueprint in VMware Cloud Assembly to deploy an Ansible Control Machine to any cloud. The target cloud can be specified as an input during deployment VMware Cloud Assembly Service Overview VMware Cloud Assembly orchestrates and expedites infrastructure and application…Continue readingUse Cloud Assembly Blueprint to deploy Ansible Control Machine


VMware Cloud on AWS Infrastructure Visibility using Log intelligence

In the blog post, I will be exhibiting key capabilities of Log Intelligence which helps Customers gain operational insights into VMware Cloud on AWS environment VMware Cloud on AWS Service Overview VMware Cloud on AWS brings VMware enterprise-class Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) software to the AWS Cloud. It enables customers to run production…Continue readingVMware Cloud on AWS Infrastructure Visibility using Log intelligence

Cloud Assembly

Use Cloud Assembly to provision on VMware Cloud on AWS

In this blog post I will be introducing one of the newly launched services by VMware called Cloud Assembly and how it can be used to manage another very famous service VMware Cloud on AWS (VMConAWS) What is Cloud Assembly VMware Cloud Assembly orchestrates and expedites infrastructure and application delivery…Continue readingUse Cloud Assembly to provision on VMware Cloud on AWS


Kubernetes Log forwarding to VMware Log Intelligence using Fluentd

In this blog I will walk you through how to use fluentd to forward logs from Kubernetes deployed pods(containers) Pre-requisites A running Kubernetes Cluster. My setup has with Kubernetes 1.11.1 on CentOS VMs on vSphere. Click Here for detailed instructions  Admin access to the Cluster as we will be deploying fluentd in…Continue readingKubernetes Log forwarding to VMware Log Intelligence using Fluentd


How to create your own Fluentd container to send logs to VMware Log Intelligence

I will walk through how to build your own fluentd container which can be used to send logs to VMware Log Intelligence Earlier blogs had procedure listed how to install fluentd on linux and windows using rpms. Linux – Click Here Windows – Click Here Use Cases This container helps…Continue readingHow to create your own Fluentd container to send logs to VMware Log Intelligence