Munishpal's Blog

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VMware Photon OS Installation & Configuration

What is Photon OS Photon OS is a minimal Linux container host designed to have a small footprint and tuned for VMware platforms.  It offers following benefits Optimized for vSphere – Validated on and tuned for VMware product and provider platforms. Container support – Supports Docker, rkt, and the Pivotal…Continue readingVMware Photon OS Installation & Configuration


Admiral – Management UI for Containers (Docker)

VMware Admiral is a highly scalable and very lightweight Container Management platform for deploying and managing container based applications. It is designed to have a small footprint and boot extremely quickly. Admiral is intended to provide automated deployment and lifecycle management of containers. Rule-based resource management – Setup your deployment…Continue readingAdmiral – Management UI for Containers (Docker)


Enabling Docker Remote API on Ubuntu 16.04

After I wrote my previous blog, I realized it will be good idea to write instruction to enable Remote API Following instructions were prepared for Ubuntu 16.04 Find out where the docker. service file is located: systemctl show –property=FragmentPath docker Display docker.service configuration using following command. cat /lib/systemd/system/docker.service  Please note…Continue readingEnabling Docker Remote API on Ubuntu 16.04


Portainer – Management UI for Docker

Introduction Portainer is an Open Source Management UI which gives you access to a central overview of your Docker host or Swarm cluster. From the dashboard, you can easily access any manageable entity. It includes following sections Container List  – The containers section provides a view of all available containers.…Continue readingPortainer – Management UI for Docker


Basic Docker CLI Commands

Once you have install docker logical next step is to playaround with basic commands to ensure you get comfortable .  If you haven’t had chance then you can refer my previous post of Docker Installation (Click Here) Full set of commands along with description can be found on…Continue readingBasic Docker CLI Commands


Docker Installation on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Docker is a tool that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers ( Container is an operating-system-level virtualization method for running application as single processes) Docker containers wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries…Continue readingDocker Installation on Ubuntu 16.04


VCSA 6.5 CLI Installation

You can use the CLI installer to perform a silent deployment of a vCenter Server Appliance or Platform Services Controller appliance on an ESXi host or vCenter Server instance. Reference Documentation Before we being we need to ensure we do following Download and Mount the vCenter Server Appliance Installer…Continue readingVCSA 6.5 CLI Installation